Saturday, January 5, 2008

Mr. Jones

Hey all,

It's been quite a long day but it's almost time to shrug off the daily blahs and focus on the comfort of a warm bed. I'm meeting up with a friend from high school in the am. She just got engaged.. cha-ching to yet another dress Ima have to buy! lol. She is great though and I couldn't be happier. She dated this guy for over 5 years and they will have a long engagement. They know what they're doing.

"All my friends are getting married... I'm just getting drunk"
-the saga continues.. -

Random aside: If someone would like to help me find a "Good" job - link me, that'd be rad. I'm almost thinking I should go work in Palm Bay, Florida bc I have a house there and... though I'd get minimal pay for an entry level job.. the view would be nothing short of refreshing. Alas, I love my friends/family too much to take up and go too far away. I like the state I live in, I really do. I'm ok being here. If I had a reason to leave I would.... unless I had a reason to stay. Does that make sense? Anyway, not living in a "cool" place.. is what makes vacations so great. You get to venture to the places you'd "love to live but never would" Better to keep that vision a dream to give yourself something to look forward to..

Speaking of different places - one on my bests/favoritest homeboy, moved tonight.. bah! =(
Not out of state or anything too dramatic.. just to another city. He moved with hopes of finding a better way than his current one. I admire him for taking the leap of faith to hopefully find something more suited to what he wants for his career. It's a hard thing to figure out. Lord knows I'm a bit lost in the job market right now. I've gotten a lot of job offers lately but I refuse to settle for something I know isn't right. It has been hard... but I honestly know in my heart that I'm being smart about this. I pray that hopefully soon - the right job will become available to me. Til then, I might be working at a new bar and grill. See, getting a "job" isn't hard, it's the career that I'm thirsty for.

Anyway, it's a bittersweet feeling when someone moves away. You can give someone all the love and support humanly possible and mean every single word you say... but in that moment of reality/silence, you can't help but be taken down by a wave of sadness. It's natural. Well, a short drive to another city is hardly the movie ending of a long , teary goodbye as you wave to fading car lights off in the distance. See, when you are close with someone, you make it work to see each other... nothing changes. If miles change your friendship/relationship with someone then you should prolly think about what that means. The marking and test of true friends, yes? You realize who is important to you in times of absence and lack of sight. And if this person is... for example... a best friend: then seeing them will be freaking cool and exciting. You communicate as normal, if not more so, and you carry on seeing each other when you can.

My point: I'm pretty sad that he won't be around for the daily hilarity of random hangouts and adventures... but now.. I look forward to the perusal good times when they can happen. I hope he finds what he is looking for... he is awesome and deserves happiness. He makes me smile and for that, I owe him one. 2007 was stellar. Truly awesome person... I'm going to miss muchly...

ps. don't take your friends for granted. your 'true' non sketchy, non agenda style friends - don't hesitate to love on them and remind them how much they mean to you.

<3, goodnight!

This will never get old to me =) :

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