Thursday, January 31, 2008

All We Are, We Are


Last night was nothing short of amazing fun. To say that I needed the faces that I saw and then events that took place… is an understatement. Things at the house/work/etc. have been oddly stressful lately and I really needed a night – strictly for fun. I can always trust that when I'm with my friends – that 'everything is good in the world' feeling kicks back in.

Did I mention that the concert I went to rocked?! If you don't know Matt Nathanson, look him up. I can hook you up with a list of my favorite songs – just ask. I've got every album. I've been a fan for 5/6 years. He is uber talented, hilarious, and in his own quirky way – charming as all get out. He has a passionate spark when it comes to his music – you can't help but want to know more about him and his life. Thus, we go to his shows for a glimpse of it all.

I sang aloud to every song and went into my own little matt zone. I talked to him for a hot second after the show and def. said..
"you might not remember me but…" Then he goes, "OH YAH!" And gave me a big hug and said something about the shows I helped put on for him.. and the airport pick-up, haha. He signed something for me and he said, Kristie right. I said yeah – he goes, KR right. So basically.. that.was. rad.

We took a picture together and he pulled my face into his and goes, "your breath smells amazing"

HA – he cracks me up!!! Thanks Orbit for that brief moment in time, I owe you… haha!

Here is his new single: Car Crash

I also met Ingrid Michaelson. Her voice is just as unique as she seems to be. She has a haunting vocal range that will leave you with odd melodies stuck in your head for hours. I was impressed. I knew most of her songs but I'm not a massive fan like I am with Matt. I've kept up with the music scene enough to pick out her better songs and those are the ones I frequently play. She reminds me of my cousin which is a little bit crazy but – cool none the less.

A very chill, indie show well done.

The night seemed like it went by so fast. When all was said and done, it was a little hard to believe it was as late as it was. Time to hit the road. Me and my homegirl had a long drive back home… in the rain.. that never stopped… haha but it's all good. Worth every drop and I'm ok with making coffee to stay awake at work. =)


Sunday, January 27, 2008

what a week

Last week was pretty insane with the sheer volume of daily attempts to bring me down. I've defiantly never been put through such emotions as I have last week. When something is done, it's done. When the timer goes off - the popcorn is ready to be eaten. Setting it for another 4 minutes is only going to burn the bag and/or set it on fire. Funny how some people try to set you on fire. I guess it's fun to watch.

I'm not bitter, I just don't understand why some people say the things they say.. or behave the way they do. It's very interesting.

Point to this vague blog. I hope that I will be left alone of the drama I don't wish to partake in. I think I proved my point that I refuse to be a pawn or be made to feel insecure by anyone. Sad that it came to that though.

In other news, my weekend picked up my mood a bit bc I got to see 2 movies and got to see 2 friends. I finally caught up on the sleep I had missed from the weekly insanity. I've been limiting my computer time lately so that I concentrate on a few other things so forgive me for being slack on the blogs.

No frets, I'm back..

***congrats to The Office for getting the SAG Award for Best Ensemble!***
Well Earned! Can't wait for new episodes... the WGA ordeal left me with baited breath!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kill the Messenger

"...I know I'll feel better in the morning
But this is how I feel right now...
If you need anything just call
The understatement of the year.."
-Most Accidents Occur 10 Miles From Your House-

Ever feel alone in a crowded room?
Do you think to yourself.... is life going to be like this... forever?
Can the cycle be broken as quickly as a wave that hits you out of nowhere?

We wait...
with our anxious breath and tired hopes...
but even still....
we wait.

I invite such distractions into my scene and i am ready to discover what it all means. let us make our moves and embrace those moments...

...before they pass us by...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

donnie darko said it best

Gretchen: Donnie Darko? What the hell kind of name is that? It's like some sort of superhero or something
Donnie: What makes you think I'm not?

My weekend was pretty random... nothing new there =p

I got to rd trip with some friends to visit with other friends.. awesome! Got to see one of my bests - that never sucks. I also got to play rock band.. two days straight. So I'm pretty much a pro now, haha. I got to eat some Italian Pie (rocks my face off) and hang out with a few people I haven't seen in a month or so. Pretty cool. Oh yes, my gps lost signal and I got lost. Of course. Typical.

Well, it's a lazy Sunday and I'm just kinda... taking some me time and thinking about my future. Change is the only element of life that is constant. As humans.. we strive on consistency but.. is there ever really 100% consistency to the daily life? Not in mine - I mix things up, add some spice to the daily episode of life.. to keep things interesting. That said, I'm exploring some options right now involving what I need/want out of life and I'm doing what I can to get that going. Wish me luck.. it's not as easy at it sounds... esp.. when I think.. well.. it's complicated...

Donnie Darko: i dont want to be alone...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Let it Snow!

It actually snowed last night!!!
How crazy/cool is that?!
Sadly, it didn't stick to the ground but despite the lack of white lawns..
it was still refreshing to see.
Something about chasing snowflakes and letting them melt on your tongue...
brings out a youthful innocence in everyone around.

I was able to drive into the winter mix and I was able to run around my yard like a 5yr old in a candy store with a fresh pocket full of change. I'm jealous of the areas of my state that actual snowfall but.. hey.. I'll take what I can get.

I love it.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I thought I’d write you a few words that greatly impact perceptions... in an optimistic fashion. I’m all about discovering what is important to me these days and with such…. I’ve realized.

Life is short.
Break the rules.
Forgive quickly.
Kiss slowly.
Love truly.
Laugh uncontrollably.
Listen wisely.

‘And this above all us…. To thine own self be true’
Don’t worry about what he says/she says/they say – because it is Your life. How awesome is that? You were given a gift – you didn’t earn your right to be born so don’t take your life for granted. Anyway, you make your own choices. You were born alone and will, one day, die alone. Live your life to the fullest and surround yourself with happiness. What makes you happy – will not nec. make your neighbor happy so don’t live by comparisons. Follow your impulses, your heart, your dreams. Never give up on something you care about – you care for a reason. You are You and that is what makes You unique and special in this World. Never forget that, never.

Smile Often. =)
Life isn't complicated.. we just make it that way.

<3 - me

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Evil Eye

Please turn up your volume and watch this hilarious kid.
This seriously brightened my day! hahaha

Sunday, January 6, 2008


*ah ahh ahhhh chuuuuuuuuuuuuu*

Forgive me... *cough*.. for I have a slight cold.

Despite my 'out of it state' I did lock onto some great messages tonight. We talked about Love. A new guy spoke and he did a great job conveying his point.

We talked of "Love" and how it is nearly impossible to define. Seriously, have you ever tried? You simply can't say just one word to describe it. People tend to ramble on and on about the feeling and emotion bc we have a hard time being direct about this four letter word that means so much. However, the one thing that we can all agree on is that... Love is the Heart of Sacrifice. When you "Love" something - oftentimes you sacrifice your: time, money, pride... etc. Love costs you something.

I don't know what you believe in but it is my own thoughts that Love points you directly to God. With this love you have purpose for your life here. The sacrifices made for you - wow - amazing and out of, yes, Love.

This love - lives inside of us. It moves in us. It moves in me. It gives me hope that there is something bigger, greater than me. And there is.

Love is what inspires me, it fills my lungs and I hope that I breathe it out and live my life in such a way that I share this love with others.

There are different types of love... but one thing is understood.
It is real and it amazing.
It can make you do stupid things and act goofie.
It can make you lay down your life for another.
It can make you practice restraint.
It can teach you a lot about yourself and others.
It can leave you breathless.
It can make you cry, sing, dance, smile, sob.

This is a powerful emotion.
Don't let it fade and hide inside of you.
Love to a parent/friend/neighbor/girl or boy you like/stranger on the street.

Pass it on.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ok Go

I was sitting at my computer sorting through videos that I marked as favorites and I came across this magic. I almost forgot about it, so funny.

We've all seen it but - Here it goes.. again.. (no pun intended!)

Mr. Jones

Hey all,

It's been quite a long day but it's almost time to shrug off the daily blahs and focus on the comfort of a warm bed. I'm meeting up with a friend from high school in the am. She just got engaged.. cha-ching to yet another dress Ima have to buy! lol. She is great though and I couldn't be happier. She dated this guy for over 5 years and they will have a long engagement. They know what they're doing.

"All my friends are getting married... I'm just getting drunk"
-the saga continues.. -

Random aside: If someone would like to help me find a "Good" job - link me, that'd be rad. I'm almost thinking I should go work in Palm Bay, Florida bc I have a house there and... though I'd get minimal pay for an entry level job.. the view would be nothing short of refreshing. Alas, I love my friends/family too much to take up and go too far away. I like the state I live in, I really do. I'm ok being here. If I had a reason to leave I would.... unless I had a reason to stay. Does that make sense? Anyway, not living in a "cool" place.. is what makes vacations so great. You get to venture to the places you'd "love to live but never would" Better to keep that vision a dream to give yourself something to look forward to..

Speaking of different places - one on my bests/favoritest homeboy, moved tonight.. bah! =(
Not out of state or anything too dramatic.. just to another city. He moved with hopes of finding a better way than his current one. I admire him for taking the leap of faith to hopefully find something more suited to what he wants for his career. It's a hard thing to figure out. Lord knows I'm a bit lost in the job market right now. I've gotten a lot of job offers lately but I refuse to settle for something I know isn't right. It has been hard... but I honestly know in my heart that I'm being smart about this. I pray that hopefully soon - the right job will become available to me. Til then, I might be working at a new bar and grill. See, getting a "job" isn't hard, it's the career that I'm thirsty for.

Anyway, it's a bittersweet feeling when someone moves away. You can give someone all the love and support humanly possible and mean every single word you say... but in that moment of reality/silence, you can't help but be taken down by a wave of sadness. It's natural. Well, a short drive to another city is hardly the movie ending of a long , teary goodbye as you wave to fading car lights off in the distance. See, when you are close with someone, you make it work to see each other... nothing changes. If miles change your friendship/relationship with someone then you should prolly think about what that means. The marking and test of true friends, yes? You realize who is important to you in times of absence and lack of sight. And if this person is... for example... a best friend: then seeing them will be freaking cool and exciting. You communicate as normal, if not more so, and you carry on seeing each other when you can.

My point: I'm pretty sad that he won't be around for the daily hilarity of random hangouts and adventures... but now.. I look forward to the perusal good times when they can happen. I hope he finds what he is looking for... he is awesome and deserves happiness. He makes me smile and for that, I owe him one. 2007 was stellar. Truly awesome person... I'm going to miss muchly...

ps. don't take your friends for granted. your 'true' non sketchy, non agenda style friends - don't hesitate to love on them and remind them how much they mean to you.

<3, goodnight!

This will never get old to me =) :

Friday, January 4, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Baby it's Cold Outside

It's freezing today! C'mon sky.. bring on the snow flakes!
Nights like this you almost want to just hide away under blankets and sheets...
I was lazy yesterday though.. I can't be that way 2 days in a row =p

Work was as slow as 'all get out' today for unknown reasons. I had plenty of work to do, I even had my friend meet me for lunch at the office.. still.. the day lasted forrrrevvvveeerrrrr. (quote'n Sandlot is never a bad thing)

Now, I want to go see the National Treasure movie if I can find someone who hasn't seen it yet and wants to go... I don't have to go tonight but I'd like to see it soon since I just watched the first one. I want it to stay fresh! If I can't find someone - I might end up watching Just Friends at my friends apt. Either way, not a bad deal. Holla'

off to work out.. oh my.. no pain no gain.. eeeeeeeek!

stay warm, cuddle up!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


It's been a loooong day, I'm trying to figure out what job I want for the new year!

I'm off to bed.. and yes, 11pm is super early for me but you know what... there is nothing wrong with cuddling up in bed and watching a dvd til falling asleep. It's pretty cold in my house.. so I'm ready to get up on in bed, have some alone time with God, and just relax and hopefully get to sleep.

Tomorrow starts the Boot Camp workout thing.. *yiike*!

G'nite Loves

ps. i love you
(ok, I've seen that movie preview like 20 times tonight.. I had to be a tad cliche!)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

stifny (continued)

Re-reading my first post.. I shutter at how nothing seems to make sense.

I was set up last night by 2 people and when I found out about it and said,
"no seriously, I'm good.. thanks but no thanks.." I guess I wasn't clear enough.
Needless, I had to deal with some sketchy behavior that I felt was a bit much.. I dealt with it privately but it caught me off guard due to the randomness and unrelated nature of it all. Ya know?

It's the sleazy way certain things were said.. and how I was treated... really middle school and lame. Sketchy even tried to get me upset <-- all in an attempt to make me respond and act out?! Cause that makes sense...well folks, I didn't act out. Shame, lol. Yeah, I'm not that kind of girl. Sorry to disappoint. I don't waste my breath or time being stupid or doing stupid things that don't matter. Well, I didn't appreciate the buzz kill of a person I didn't know... pulling a bad attempt at reverse psychology... bc he had hopes of getting lucky. Yah, trying to stir up drama when there is nothing to stir.. that is sexy. Not. It made me want to leave the situation and people. It completely sucks that people carry on as such.. on the daily. Although one person apologized.. the other did not. Pathetic. And as far as sketch.. no worrys, by the end of the night - his satisfaction was reached elsewhere.

ps. when people ignore you/give you the cold shoulder - *for no logical reason* it is a sign of passive aggressive weakness. Not attractive at all.

Anyway, other than running away from someone all night and feeling shafted for unknown reasons... by someone else, I had a great time.
The rd trip to our destination was fun and dinner was great! Sing-a-longs rule and my gps is trusty. The house was interesting and we def had fun moments... aka circle of death... but I think the 25 dollar cover and puked up van kinda started to put a twist on the level of fun. The Bkfst Club was just that.. 80stacular! haha I got to hug and kiss all the friends in wishes of luck for a great new year. Buuut when it was time to roll home... it was time to roll home! I don't know... I just get uncomfortable when ppl start going in random rooms doing things. Ya know? lol ah!



Dear Friends,

I hope and pray that you have a rocking 2008! I want to take a second to thank the wonderful people in my life that have helped make 2007 so amazing. No other people would I have rather spent my time with on the daily... seriously. Friendship is so much more to me than the surface.. hang outs and random dinners.. it is - being yourself, having a great time, being there for each other.. and also feeling comfortable to have serious heart-to-hearts with each other too. It's a special connection when you can pull all of those factors into one bond.

The people I call "bests" are 100% bests. I love each person in my life and I'm thankful for them. I would do anything for my friends, I hope they know that. I don't compare one friendship to the next because each is special and unique in it's own way. Some friends I see during the week, some more on the weekends but - it's all wonderful.

To those people, I owe you. I appreciate you for who you are. You don't have to impress or be something you're not. Some of the best times happen when we have no plans at all. That is when you know you have good friends. You don't have to "go out" or "do something" - you can lit. just be in each others company and that be enough.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

So this is the New Year...

"So this is the new year. And i don't feel any different.
The clanking of crystal. Explosions off in the distance (in the distance).
So this is the new year. And I have no resolutions
for self assigned penance, for problems with easy solutions...
so everybody put your best suit or dress on
Let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once...
Lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn, as thirty dialogs bleed into one
I wish the world was flat like the old days,
then i could travel just by folding a map
No more airplanes, or speed trains, or freeways...
there'd be no distance that could hold us back.
There'd be no distance that could hold us back"
-death cab for cutie-

Welcome to 2008.
I'm anxious to see what this year has in store for me. I have no major expectations.. so when things happen.. I will be that much more thankful and open. I know that God is in control and I've got total faith in his will. I don't know what that means for me or where I will be or what I will face.. but I do promise to be myself always and to always give my best.

Well.. let me just say this..
Assumptions make an ass out of you and me. 98% of assumptions are wrong. I got thrown into a pool of assumptions last night and it broke my heart in the worst of ways. I guess it's not enough that my heart is marked fragile. No, guess not. I'd never harm/hurt anyone.. seriously. So why do people feel the need to put implications on others for awkward entertainment. I'm not ok with people trying to manipulate their way into my business. Sadly, I had to deal with some unnecessary mess last night that made me feel sick. I'm not sure why someone would ruin my night by telling me how I'm not good enough.. etc. Adding to that, I'm pretty sure I was ignored and or 'blown off' for no apparent reason.. well.. other than it relating to the mess I had to deal with. Awesome. I pray for clarity there bc.. I didn't act any different with anyone... so I'm not too sure what happened, it confuses me. I'm not someone who can simply flip on/off a switch on friendship. So why the cold shoulder? I'm not dumb... what did I do? I'm not thinking I did anything.. honestly, I'd confess if I had something to confess upon. I was just myself.. nothing new or different... but... I still got shafted on more than one attempt. Some nerve must've been struck of issues or insecurities.. I don't know. I'm going to hope and pray that the people I call my friends would not let others affect their personalities like that. Then again, maybe that just shows me who my 'real' friends are..

I'm open to lit. anything this year. I know what I like/don't like and what I want to be around/not be around. I learn that a little bit more each day. I did a great job this year of getting rid of the drama in my life.. and that is what made 07 so great. Now, my goal is to rid the people who are two-faced in my life. The ones that treat you with mutual friendship one minute then take you for granted the next. I got called "secondary" last night.. out of the freaking blue.. by someone I didn't know! Yep, I don't know everything said behind my back.... but for whatever reason, I was told a great deal. c'mon. I don't waste my time or breath on pointless endeavors.. if I can help it.. and I can. People really should leave people alone sometimes... messing with people implies things that need not be implied. Again, assumptions are... not usually a good thing. You don't know the truth unless it comes from the source, til then - you just 'think' and never 'know'.. If knowing is a hard reality then.. I pity when the fantasy fades... bc it will.. reality always rules out in the end. Point being: if you want to ask a question - ask it to the right person. Mkay?

ps. I'm not attracted to sketchy behaviors or people... let the record show.
(aka, I don't want to even be friends with people who play with fire bc if you roll with company like that.. you will eventually get burned or adapt to being a piro yourself. Well known fact. Surround yourself with good company and true friends.. you can never go wrong)